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8 Things in Your House You Don’t Clean As Often As You Should

clean house home
Image By Denis Torkhov From Shutterstock

Computer Keyboard

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all ended up spending way more time than we wanted to work from home. This meant that our keyboard somehow became one of the most used items in our house, even if it was not something that we expected. So, because our keyboards are used so often, it means that they are also getting much dirtier than usual.

To make matters worse, if you have small children in your family that use the computer, you can imagine how easy it is for those grubby little hands to bring in more crumbs, stickiness, and overall to that keyboard! Therefore, you should make sure you put it on your “house items to clean” list.

To do that, you should use compressed air to dislodge any dust, crumbs, or pet hair if you have a fluffy friend, and then use a tech wipe, electronics spray, or rubbing alcohol (in small doses) to wipe down the keyboard to disinfect it!

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  • Stacey Hussey

    I clean all of those everyday plus my wash machine. I always have cleaned my whole house daily at different time’s I have had up to 7 kid’s in my home so it was important to me to keep everything clean all the time.

  • Jonibee

    These are great tips because we do not think about them until we get sick..Alcohol wipes should be in everyones Xmas stockings to sanitize those screens of the cell phones and remote controls /door knobs etc..

  • Chris Fournier

    Faithfully, at the end of every month, I run my washing machine with a packet of Tide washing machine cleaner. Surprised this wasn’t included on the list.

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