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Under Sink Storage? Never Store These 6 Items There

Image By GotziLA STOCK From Shutterstock

#3 Light Bulbs

This one does not involve moisture. But generally speaking, we are all going to use the storage space under the sink quite a lot, especially if we have cleaning products under there. This makes those cupboards a high-traffic spot, where you keep opening the door and taking things in or out, sometimes even daily. Because of this, they end up being unfit for you to keep your lightbulbs.

These items are very delicate since they are made of glass, and even in their box, they are still fragile. With all the movement that is bound to happen around an under-sink storage space, you are risking knocking them over by accident, having other heavier items fall on top of them, or even just accidentally causing them to be smashed!

It’s better to find them a spot in an utility closet or just somewhere you know you will not always be moving things around the lightbulbs.


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