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Under Sink Storage? Never Store These 6 Items There

kitchen countertop, sink
Photo by Pixel-Shot from Shutterstock

#6 Appliances

We all would like some more space on the counters in our kitchens, but moving the appliances under the sink is not the best solution out there. Think about it like this: tucking away some of these small appliances like a slow cooker, a bread maker, or even the blender under the sink is going to create more problems for you in the long run. First of all, water and electricity are not good friends, and you do not want to run the risk of accidentally plugging in a wet electric device,

What’s more, some of us also store the garbage bin under the sink, and keeping appliances close by will risk making them grimy and smelly since there is a chance of different liquids spilling or splattering to the sides.

It’s better to keep the small appliances that you only use once in a blue moon somewhere where that is out of general reach so they don’t bother you, but not under the sink. The corner cabinet or even low shelf in your pantry are great contenders for the perfect storage place!

And since we mentioned tool kits, do you have a trusty one in your home? If the answer is no or maybe you are just looking to get a new one, here are our best recommendations for the best tool kits out there!

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