12 Interesting Things That Make Your House Look Outdated

Photo by Pixel-Shot from shutterstock.com

12. Carpets in the bathroom

This one is an absolute no-no! Having carpets in the bathroom will make your house look outdated without any doubt! In addition to that, how are you planning to keep the carpet clean and free of mold throughout time?

If you have a carpet in your bathroom, get rid of it! It doesn’t look good, it’s dated and, most probably, full of germs!


There you have it: the trend that will make your house look outdated! Given the fact that we have to spend a lot of time in the comfort of our own homes, why not make them look their best?

Who doesn’t want a home that looks and feels comfortable, breezy, decluttered, but also stylish and modern?

…What do you think about these interior design trends that are out of style? Do you have any of these in your home? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment in the section down below!

P.S. If you decide to give it a try and make some changes in your home, make sure you read this one as well: 12 Timeless American Architectural House Styles!

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  • Angela

    Yeah and in just a couple of short years or so, these ideas will be outdated too. Let’s keep spending money just to make ourselves look sophisticated. I say do what makes you feel comfy and cozy instead of trying to impress others. Or are appearances more important?

    • Michael

      You are 99% correct!!! (What about polished brass light fixtures, lol).

    • Ann D

      Could not agree more, Angela! I like what I like. In my house I get to do what I want. No need to spend money on this year’s trend, because it will be something different next year. Lived long enough to see “what’s old is new again.”

    • AliceJ Bartlett

      I agree with your statement.

  • Don

    Thank you to all who basically said:” do what makes you comfortable”! I have a big dog who sheds alot, so I set a roomba to vacuum daily. I know that’s just a start, but I LOVE coming home to my happy tail watching adoring rescued mutt! It will be a very sad day when he’s gone… but he makes my house our home!

  • Lloyd Franklin

    You are so on target/

  • Terry Tholen

    Some I agree with – carpet in bathroom, popcorn ceilings (hate these), but Some of the others are comforting. My mother is 92 and senile, and her face lights up when she sees the wallpaper border in the kitchen. And most of us can’t afford to change things up. I like to change out colors, wall decor, etc throughout the year to keep it interesting, and since my style is “ early attic” I have lots of fun with that…..

    • Carrie

      I live in the home I was born and raised in and my mother Kept everything neat and tidy and I did not keep those passions in my life. Since my grandmother also live there with us and passed there anything of hers I truly cherish.
      For example she will play the organ in the church and we hadn’t Oregon exactly like it in the house. I still have that organ and she’s been gone 57 years. My sister Organ lessons and even she doesn’t want the Organ. I begged my grandmother to teach me, and she kept saying when you’re older she died when I was 4 years old.
      I tried to keep everything the same in memory of both grandmother and my mother Kama but it is one cluttered mess when I add in what I like. I’ve taken 2 decluttering sessions and I get all fired up that I’m going to get taken care of stuff.. But Alas it does not work.
      On top of that finding anyone to work on a 100 year old house is very very hard because I live in a small small town and no one seems to want to work anymore.

      • Carrie. For me to give up the stuff. I took photos of the
        Cherished items and made a memory book. You do not need the actual item. Take a picture! Worked for me.

  • teresa

    Why follow the rules? My house is Italian with contemporary touches. I built 16 years ago and my things are timeless. You can add modern touches to traditional without going to far either way. Just went o a friends new modern, cold, untouchable, sterile, colorless house. I felt I couldn’t touch anything. White and grey and concrete and steel. not a fan.

    • Paula

      That’s where wood comes in to play. Warms it up

    • Debbie Bilodeau

      I really don’t care what the current style is, like greys, blacks, stainless steel, are all very cold. I also will not comp0romise my amazing sound system for a particular look. I am happy, happy, happy with all of my outdated things!

      • June

        Keep it clean and tidy, it will never be outdated!🌻

  • Jacqui Smith

    I think whatever makes you happy you should do. Sometimes other people’s ideas don’t make you happy. Who can afford to keep remodeling with the increased prices nowadays?!

  • If you are happy with your supposedly “outdated house” leave it . It’s ridiculous to listen to a article, listen to yourself,, there is no right or wrong do what you love.

    • Dixie

      Years ago, there was a song about houses ‘made of ticky tacky, and they all look just the same’. This article brought that to mind. Do what appeals to you, it is your home, you should be comfortable there. Who cares what some stranger writes that you should do because it is on trend, (ticky tacky) My home does not fit into this stranger’s words, but it is very comfortable and I cannot wait to end my day so that I can be there.

      • Pat

        That song about ticky tacky homes was written about the area close to where I grew up in San Francisco. I laughed when you mentioned it. It was the Daly City area and the song was sooooo true. They really did look like “little boxes on the hillside”. As for who decides what is outdated or old fashioned, I don’t care. I decorate how I like and just don’t care what others think. I am very happy.

  • Phyllis A Josleyn

    Never did consider ‘chevron’ in my decorating choices.
    So to learn it’s now outdated doesn’t affect me in the slightest 🙂

    • Martina Finley

      Me too! It always looked outdated to me. I only saw it in extremely rich people’s homes who could easily afford to replace them whenever they wanted.

  • Robert

    I just remodeled my house and I would like to get some oppions

  • Joanne

    Well, I agree with the carpets in the bathroom no-no, but I have always agreed with that. Otherwise, I am liking the “older look” in my home. It makes everyone feel comfortable coming home to happy memories and the soft approval of Mom and Dad.

    • J

      You should do what is comfortable for you and reflect your personality. Home should be a personal reflection of the one who live there.

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