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9 Things That Damage Your Washing Machine

washing machine
Photo by Didecs from Shutterstock

When it comes to laundry, there are so many do’s and don’ts that you have to take into consideration! Especially since nowadays washers are coming with such a variety of settings, for almost every single type of clothing.

Even if now it’s way easier to wash our clothes, thanks to the way technology evolved, we still need to take care of the way we’re using the washing machine.

As some items might survive a couple of spin cycles, others might harm your washer. But we’re here to tell you exactly what to avoid doing, so you can take good care of your washing machine!

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  • TK Smith there is no miners at the bottom of the page and a arrow press the arrow and it will let you keep reading the story for washing

  • Where did they say that mixing colors & whites will ruin your washer? They didn’t say that did they? I only saw read about how mixing colors with whites can change the colors of your clothes (which is a given) -not damage your washer. I didn’t even see where they said it would damage your washer, so why would you sat that?

    • Diane

      This was more of a laundry lesson. Many good points though, some about the machine and some about what is washed.

    • Sheila

      But that’s the title of the article.

  • Depends on a front loader or a top loader. I have a top loader and I have never found it to have to
    be cleaned out. My top loader has a cycle to clean the machine. Like you all said. It seems the
    manufacturer has some opinions that don’t fit the narrative that they are pointing out. One size doesn’t fit all.

  • Carol

    Some of us are not rich enough to have a new washing machine. I am still using 1 from 1974 and it works just fine I don’t need all those fancy buttons and programs. This machine has never failed to get my laundry clean!

    • B A Rotini

      Amen, sister! Not everyone in this country is of the super-consumer class! 🙂

  • Helen

    certainly fail to see how mixing white and colored laundry in the same load would in any way damage a clothes washing machine…..
    as you point out, could turn the whites grey, but as for damaging the machine in some way—-makes no sense

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