Small Apartment: 11 Marvelous Balcony Ideas for Tiny Spaces (ZERO Effort)

These balcony ideas for tiny spaces are amazing! 

Living in an apartment usually does not have outdoor space for luxuries like a swimming pool. However, if your apartment has a balcony even a small one, celebrate it and consider yourself lucky!

Because you may design your tiny area of the vast outdoors to your exact specifications. There are plenty of ways to enhance your outdoor space, from creating a balcony garden to choosing the perfect mood lighting.

A little, boring balcony may be transformed into your very own outdoor haven with a little attention to detail and, of course, our professional design advice.

balcony ideas for tiny spaces
Photo by Isa Long from Shutterstock

Create a cafe spot

Do you want a green spot to drink your favorite drinks during the summer season? Then you’re going to love this idea! Café seating may be the best option if you’re searching for balcony ideas for tiny spaces. Just a modest coffee table and two chairs were included in this picture, along with some lovely flower pots for a little more intimacy.

You may still read a book or have your morning coffee on the balcony despite its tiny size and square shape.

Reuse the items that you already have

Buying new furniture is too expensive? You may be amazed at how many things you already have can be used for different purposes. For example, you can simply make DIY stools out of a set of two wooden crates that have been pushed up on their ends and covered with a cushion. No tools are needed!

Furthermore, you can also use the crate’s space as additional storage for anything you want.

Spruce the space up with pillows

Do you want the balcony to have the same stylish vibe as the rest of your apartment? Then first of all try to make it comfortable so you won’t want to leave. Luckily, that’s something you can manage without going over budget on decor.

Depending on the seat you choose, get some fresh throw cushions to place on the benches or chairs. If the majority of the balcony’s color scheme is brown or any other earth-like color, consider purchasing pillows in vivid hues like orange, blue, or red.

Hang some fabric

If your balcony is open, then you must think about shielding it from the sun or wind and, of course, from your neighbor’s eyes. Opt for privacy screens made of breathable materials, preferably in bright colors to keep the sun at bay.

If you want to increase privacy without spending money on a privacy screen, just hang a piece of fabric over your balcony structure.

No space for chairs? Try an egg-shaped one

While some people are lucky enough to have a decent-sized balcony big enough to stick one or two chairs and a foldable table, others are not. If you are one of them, then you’ll love this idea. This chair occupies just the right amount of space without becoming overbearing. All you need to do is drape some lights over it or the balcony’s edge. Additionally, you have the option to use and hang certain flower pots.

Got a pet? Make it pet-friendly too!

Although a standard white fence would not be sufficient to contain your pet, you can achieve the same effect by surrounding them with a fine wire mesh. Use the extra mesh to support additional decor, like brightly colored and whimsical paper lanterns in various shapes and sizes, to avoid making everything appear overly enclosed.

balcony ideas for tiny spaces
Photo by Melinda Nagy from Shutterstock

Use plants for privacy

Whether you live on the first floor or the tenth, everyone has the right to a sense of isolation on their balcony. Fortunately, converting your open-air space into a private retreat is rather simple. Besides privacy screens, you can also use plants to create a private space.

The good thing is that you don’t go overboard and adopt pretentious ones; stick to the ones that are easy to take care of. Plants like succulents or cacti are maybe the best plants suitable for open-space balconies.

Container gardening may help generate a feeling of quietness in addition to filling your balcony with a sense of nature. Plant stands similar to the one in the image can also be used. Add one of two foldable chairs and a small table, and voila! You just personalized a tiny space and turned it into a cozy and lively one.

Don’t forget about the flooring

With all these balcony ideas for tiny spaces, I almost forgot to mention flooring. Cover up that boring cement floor with fake grass. It’s ideal for all those who wish they had lived in a cottage somewhere in the countryside, but housing was too expensive, so they brought nature into their apartment.

You don’t like this idea? Go for tiles. They’re definitely easier to clean than fake grass and ideal if you have pets as well. Are neither of these two options appealing to you? I got you with a third idea, which is adding a cozy rug to your outdoor space. The right colors for it are usually earth-toned ones, but you can pick whatever color fits your mood.

Make it cozy

If you are planning to spend more than just a half hour on your balcony, then you may want to make it cozier. And a foldable chair, neither with a pillow on top, can’t be that cozy! If the space allows you, think about bringing a couch to your outdoor space. This is usually suitable for closed balconies, but you can make it to an open one too.

Among the most affordable couches are the ones made of wooden pallets, and if you add a big pillow and a couple of blankets to it, it will turn into a super cozy relaxation spot.

Don’t forget about the lightning

No matter what you choose, traditional candles or string lights, the right one is the key to transforming your space into a welcoming and cozy one. For instance, lanterns work well in small places to provide a cozy atmosphere even on the coldest autumn evenings.

Candles may seem old-fashioned, but when you can’t install lanterns, they work wonders. A lit candle will create a tranquil and nice atmosphere, which instantly feels like home. In case you have many plants in your space and you’re afraid of the open flames, opt for battery-powered candles, which serve the exact purpose only safer.

Last but not least are the string lights, which are so popular and simple to install that you won’t hesitate to get them. Place them on the wall, near the table, or over the couch.

Make it look like an extension

Think of your balcony as an extension of your house to design the ideal balcony in a small space. Keeping a consistent theme across the rooms and opening the doors and windows may help a tiny balcony appear wider.


Whatever you choose to do on your balcony, it’s important to consider privacy, especially if we’re talking about an open space. Tall or climbing plants may be very useful and good-looking to help you get the private space you desire away from nosy neighbors.

In case plants aren’t your thing and you consider it too much of a hassle to take care of them, then opt for privacy screens made of bamboo, resin wicker, or iron that can also handle all sorts of weather conditions. It’s up to you!

Now I am curious about what your balcony looks like; Is it small or large? Tell me in the comments section.

If you enjoyed reading about these amazing balcony ideas for tiny spaces and you find them useful enough to apply them to your home, then I also recommend you check out another related article about Interior Designers Reveal Top 5 Best Places To Buy Furniture


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