7. Lemon balm
There is another bushy perennial that comes from the mint family. The leaves of this plant have a lemon-scented aroma that can instantly fill up your garden or your home. This shrub flowers in summer, and its flowers are rich in pollen, attracting bees.
You can use this plant in teas or as a flavoring. Its strong aroma has relaxing properties. That’s why lemon balm tea is usually drunk before going to bed. It is amazing at relieving insomnia.
Lemon balm has many compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and because of this, aromatherapists consider this plant a very important scent that can instantly improve your mood.
If you want to plant lemon balm in your garden, you should know that planting it is a warm-weather activity. Spring is the perfect time to do that. This plant likes the sun, but it is recommended to plant it in a place that will also receive some shade during the day.
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