11 Small Trees That Will Make Your Landscape More Beautiful

small tree
Photo by High Mountain from shutterstock.com

10. Snowbell 

Another plant that will make your yard look more delicate, warm, and beautiful is the small tree called Snowbell. It has a subtle and elegant allure that will make everyone who passed by it stop and look at it for a few seconds.

The Snowbell produces some charming white bell-shaped flowers that hang from the branches among the leaves. It releases a subtle spring smell that will completely surround your garden and its white blossoms turned into blue-gray fruits when the fall comes.

And the flowers are not the only ones that change colors. The pure green of the leaves becomes a reddish-yellow that looks amazing among other fall plants.

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  • Dori Sage

    Had a Japanese Maple in Woodland Hills, CA. It was supposed to be a miniature but it got reallly big. It was a beauty when the seasons changed. I do miss it.

  • Bill

    Surprised to see the first picture of One I had out in California.

    I forgot it’s name and wanted to get one for the NY area

  • Kathryn Krosley

    I like Rose of Sharon aka Althea. It comes in several colors—white, purple and pink are the colors I’m familiar with. It can be trimmed to look more tree-like or allowed to grow as a bush. My mother grew them when I was young.

  • Judith Potter

    Which trees will grow on a wind swept, open hill 200 feet from the Bay of Fundy?

  • I have crepe myrtles – but his year (first time in about 40 years) the bark scale invaded our neighborhood – any recommendations for what to do – sprayed with Neem oil – and cut severely infected branches.

  • Sharon

    Would be helpful if the zones the trees will grow in were included.

  • Bette Lou Cookson

    Add Powder Puff.

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