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Top Worst 8 Cleaning Habits That Do More Harm than Good

cleaning habits that do more harm than good
Photo by Mikel Dabbah from Shutterstock

7. Keeping too much food in your refrigerator

Why bother keeping leftovers in the fridge if you know your family dislikes them and nobody will eat them the next day? With the risk of sounding bad, simply throw it away if you don’t consume it right away. Food that has been improperly stored encourages the growth of germs and mold, making cleaning out the refrigerator a much more difficult process than it has to be.

8. Say no to paper clutter!

You may think that cleaning is always about mopping the floors or vacuuming, but in reality, cleaning and tidying the house is also about taking care of the clutter, and among the top 8 cleaning habits that do more harm than good is letting the paper clutter slowly invade your home.

What can you do? Instead of letting the junk build up, make a spot in your living space for it all. If at all feasible, have a shredder and recycling can nearby so you can recycle and sort your waste at least once a week.
To eliminate clutter and improve organization, purge your space as much as you can and put everything in its correct place. Giving your kids or your grandkids their drawers or cabinets will help you properly keep their belongings if you are managing their tasks.

Do you find yourself doing some of the top 8 worst cleaning habits that do more harm than good? Tell us in the comments! 

You may also be interested in reading 12 Things You Should NEVER Store in Kitchen Cabinets

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