Smart Shed Organizing 101: Make the Most of Your Space!

When it comes to shed organizing, we would like to be more efficient!

A lot of homeowners end up getting a shed to help them maintain their yards. Yet not all of them think about all the shed organizing they will have to deal with because sheds can easily get cluttered.

Sheds seem like a great idea at first, but the bonus storage space can easily turn into another disaster space you need to clean and organize.

This is sometimes due to all the bulky tools and other gardening items that, in the long run, become challenging to keep tidy.

Thankfully, shed organizing is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. Whether your shed is big or small, we have gathered some of the best shed organizing tips you can find so that you can turn this space from a messy spot into a functional extra storage space.

With practical and affordable items such as potting benches, hooks, and other storage solutions, and some creative shelving options, we brought you the best shed organizing tips so you can draw inspiration from them!

Do you have a shed? Do you struggle to keep it organized? Let us know how you dealt with organizing your shed in the comments below.

shed organizing
Image By B.Forenius From Shutterstock

Make the most of the drawer organizers.

When it comes to shed organization, you need to keep in mind that you should use all the tools at your disposal. This means that you should make most of the drawers in your workbench or storage cart.

You may have even repurposed an old chest of drawers for your shed, but keep in mind that you should keep these drawers organized.

Like with many drawers in our homes, they end up being things in which you throw all sorts of smaller items and even stuff items to clear your working space, which turns into objects being lost in the drawer forever!

Messy and unorganized drawers end up creating a perfect environment for a lot of bugs, and they can end up attracting a lot of insects; once they have a home out of your drawers, you will have a hard time keeping them away.

To make sure you do not have to deal with this, keep your drawers organized by using dividers and drawer inserts; that way you can easily organize them and have a clear space for everything. Not only will nothing get lost, but you will no longer feel the urge to stuff things in them haphazardly.

Shed supplies and often-used items should go on hooks.

You may be into gardening, and even when you are not, the shed is oftentimes the spot where you place a lot of your gardening equipment. This can easily turn your shed into a mess of items. So why not make the most of some hooks?

Shed organizing is made extremely easy if you are getting help from a hook tack and installing it somewhere where you can easily reach and access it. One of the walls of the shed is the best spot for things like this.

The items you should consider putting up on the wall include the likes of small shovels and trowels that always seem to get lost, and other smaller tools that you use often and that seem to get misplaced more often than not.

If you do not have enough space to put up a hook rack on the wall, you can easily install one on the side of a storage cart or sturdy shelving unit!

shed organizing
Image By Lucy M Ryan From Shutterstock

Use wall space to the maximum!

Since we have already mentioned the idea that you should use the wall for a hook rack, it is only normal that we mention the fact that you should be using all the space in the shed to its maximum capacity.

This includes the fact that you should be using all the wall space to its full potential.

Sure, you may not have enough space to put up a hook rack, but you should make sure that you make space for a wall-mounted shelf as an alternative shelving solution.

Shed organizing can be made easy by using items that fit your shed perfectly.

So if you are thinking about using a wall-mounted shelving unit, you should get one that has the best dimensions and not hurry; consider depth, width, and height! By using this type of organizing item, you can keep all your shed and gardening supplies at eye level while making the most of all the vertical space you have on hand.

You can easily use the tallest shelves for the items you use the least or that are not seasonally appropriate, and the lower ones for the ones that you use most often and frequently.

The shed door is a valuable resource!

One of the most overlooked spots when it comes to shedding organizing is the door of the shed, and frankly, it is a pity that not everyone makes the most of it.

Unless your shed has a sliding door, your shed’s door is a valuable spot that you should make the most of, especially if you love to garden and need to have the appropriate clothes on hand.

Using your door space is one of the best secrets of professional organizers, and they will often either install hooks on the door or bring in a mobile hook or organizing system for doors.

As long as the hooks or organizer are spaced accordingly, it will fit your shed door perfectly, and you will have a space where you can hang your long-handled lawn tools.

The likes of rakes, hoes, and tilers go perfectly on doors, and on top, you can have your apron and gloves stored easily.

Using your door is the best way to know where everything is, minimize the risk of injury, and easily grab what you need from the shed!

If you are looking for good door organizers for your shed, this one right here is our favorite, and we have made use of it numerous times with excellent results!

shed organizing
Image By Marie C Fields From Shutterstock

There’s no one-size-fits-all option, so look for adjustable ones!

Shed organizing can be difficult due to the size of your shed and how difficult it can be to make the most of open shelving in a space where you have so many different types of tools and items to organize.

While it may seem like you found the best organizers for your shelves, it can turn out that they are not the best choice for your space or your items, and they can easily turn from helpers to objects of frustration.

This is why we recommend you use a slotted rack system that comes with flexible brackets! That way, you can adjust them to your heart’s content, make the system work in your favor, and cater to your needs.

Even better, you can repurpose it at any point if you need it for another rack, and you do not have to worry about not finding a purpose for it if you reorganize your shed!

The shed is not the only spot other than your home that needs to stay organized and functional so that you can minimize the risk of trouble. The garage is another spot that many homeowners do not know how to make the most of. No matter if you are dealing with garage organization issues or not, make sure you throw out these items immediately!


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