1.Think clean when you step into your home
The shoes-off policy is actually one of the best things one can do for their place. Just because shoes are the dirtiest items in your wardrobe and if you leave them at the door, you’ll prevent toxins and other stuff you can collect on them from the outside and bringing them into the house. A dirty floor is actually the worst thing that can happen, especially after you cleaned it the other day.
What do you think about this? Do you agree with leaving your shoes at the door? Even if this appears strange, I can assure you that it is not.
2. Start and finish laundry in the SAME day
Back in my day, we used to wash most of the clothes by hand. But nowadays, when you have so much help from the washing machine, you can do the laundry faster! After the load is done, you have to take them out as soon as possible, especially if you have to wash 2 or 3 loads that day. Regardless of this, don’t forget your laundry.