5. Cascade Palm
Two of the main pollutants found in your house — toluene and xylene — can have some serious negative impacts on your health. For instance, xylene can cause headaches, and dizziness, but also nose, eye, and throat irritation while toluene can cause tiredness.
Since these two airborne particles are so harmful to human health, it’s fantastic that the areca palm keeps them at bay. If you want to improve the quality of the air you breathe, you should definitely grow this indoor plant!
Not only will you have these two chemicals removed from your house, but you’ll also breathe fresher air because cascade palm adds moisture to the air preventing it from getting dry.
I would need to know if these are same for a house with cats. I have five.
Thank you for writing this. It has been very helpful & healthful to my family.
Happy Hollydays