9. Cookie Jars
…Did anyone say fortune?
When you were a kid, you surely loved eating the delicious, soft, but crunchy cookies in your mom’s cookie jar. However, if you no longer use it, you can replace your lovely possession with good fortune.
That’s right. Old cookie jars might fetch a pretty penny on the antique market. When in mint condition, a jar of “Cookies All Over” by National Pottery Co. might fetch $75 from a collector. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but if your jar is from an older collection, its value can actually go up to a few hundred dollars.
…If you want to read something else from us, we recommend checking out this article: Birth Month Flowers: Find Out Yours and Plant Them!
Where do you sell the porcelain dolls? I have a bunch
I have an old record player..