10. Lemon Balm
One of my favorite plants is lemon balm. It’s a plant that will keep mosquitoes away from you during the summer in addition to adding a wonderful citrus aroma and fantastic appearance to your home. This plant, which is a relative of mint, is simple to grow. You may simply grow it in your apartment if you don’t have a garden because it’s simple to manage. Just put it near a window that gets plenty of sun.
Pinch out any developing flower buds to maintain the plant’s top foliage condition. The leaves will lose their potent scent and cease to be very effective at keeping mosquitoes away if you let them flower and produce seeds.
I hope this article was useful, and by now you already know what you have to do when the summer comes. If you want to give up chemicals that will harm both you and the environment, start growing at least one or two plants from the list. You will say “bye-bye” to mosquitoes in the blink of an eye!
Curious about other plant-related articles? Check this one out: 9 Indoor Plants Nearly Impossible to Keep Alive.