Alternative Gardening Methods: 12 Genius Ways to Cultivate Without a Backyard

Looking to create an oasis but don’t have the space? You’ll love these alternative gardening methods!

Many people would love to garden. But sadly, not everybody has the space. Apartment residents here’s looking at you! The American House has your back, and we’re here to tell you that you CAN garden, even if you don’t have a backyard.

Limited space doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the joys of gardening. We already know that farmers’ markets are getting increasingly expensive, and this is just a reminder that you don’t have the means to grow your own goodies, right?

Well, plenty of innovative and creative ways to get your thumbs green in smaller spaces exist. The best part is that our ideas don’t cost an arm and a leg! So what are we waiting for? Here are 12 of our favorite alternative gardening methods for you to try TODAY!

Alternative Gardening Method
Photo by Dini Riyanti at Shutterstock

Alternative gardening method: Create a Container Garden

A container garden is your best friend when you don’t have a backyard. It’s an uncomplicated wait to grow plants and can be just as successful as growing outdoors.

You can grow most types of plants this way, whether for a decorative flower garden or a productive garden of fruits and veggies. You can choose terracotta pots, wooden troughs, recycled buckets, or even a sink for your containers.

We recommend efficiently using your space with wall-mounted containers or hanging planters to grow vertically. Plus, container gardens have great advantages besides being perfect for people without backyards.

They’re fantastic for managing pests in soil because they can be changed each year to reduce pests on consecutive crops.

Alternative gardening method: Display Case

Transform your coffee table into a living, breathing work of art by giving an old glass cabinet door new life, using it as the framework for a mixed terrarium.

Once the structure is created, lay out your plants until you’re happy with how they look, and root them in a mixture of charcoal and soil. You’ll have to water them regularly, but the glass top that anchors this design is easy to pull.

Alternative gardening method: Grow some microgreens

Planting microgreens is an effortless indoor gardening activity. Not only are they delicious and an excellent addition to sandwiches and salads, but they’ll also thrive in a sunny spot in a window if you don’t have space for a grow light.

Microgreens are chock-full of nutrition and flavor and can be ready to harvest in approximately 7-14 days. If you can, try to use a grow light and heat mat to germinate the seeds, and the grow light will maintain their growth until you’re ready to consume them.

Alternative gardening method: Install some “Plant Pockets”

Make some one-of-a-kind wall planters. All you need is a rolling pin, air-dry clay, and a custom pattern to guide you through cutting out the design.

Once it sets, you can sand down the clay and paint the exterior whichever color you choose using craft paint. Fill the pockets with herbs or succulents, and display your colorful creation on a wall.

Alternative gardening method: Use those empty wine bottles

With creativity, empty wine bottles can easily be transformed into adorable indoor planters. Using a homemade wooden jig and a kitchen torch, cut the glass bottle into two sections and reverse the neck into the bottle’s base to hold the water.

Buff out any sharp edges with some sandpaper before layering your planter with potting soil and rocks to give the homespun collection a rustic vibe.

Alternative gardening method: Create your rain room

You can create the feeling of a spa-like outdoor retreat by making a planter from some chicken wire, a board, and a roll of fiberglass screen. After this, suspend it from your bathroom ceiling.

Then, feed the roots through holes in the screen and add a layer of soil. Hang the beautiful finished product using metal hooks and a gauge chain to infiltrate a slight jungle fever into your space.

Alternative Gardening Method
Photo by Vizbara at Shutterstock

Alternative gardening method: Spruce up your wall

Here’s an indoor gardening project almost as straightforward as hanging a painting. Assemble your living wall by mounting a planter above your fireplace or anywhere else you want in your home.

Fill the planter with a range of wild succulents or kitchen herbs for lovely greenery you can enjoy year-round.

Alternative gardening method: Plant Pods

Rather than potting your plants, try kokedama. It’s a style of Japanese bonsai where you secure the roots of a plant in a ball of moss and soil held together by an intricate string net.

Once you have the roots firmly in place and the right balance, you can string these mossy balls from your ceiling for an added touch of indoor greenery, ideal for a steamy bathroom with limited counter space.

Alternative gardening method: Root some plants in water

Some plants thrive happily in a glass of water, so let’s take advantage of that. Plants like coleus, sweet potato vine, and spiderwort are all excellent candidates for water treatment.

Just snip a cutting, dip it into a glass of water, and add a few drops of plant food each month. Place the glass containers on a side table or anywhere else in your home, and watch as the plant life brings some extra cheer to your spaces.

Alternative gardening method: How about some drawer decor?

If you have it, combine a tray table and an old dresser drawer to create a repurposed planter that’s perfect for displaying anywhere in the home. Attach the two with some special wood glue to hold the drawer in place.

Finish it off with a fresh coat of your favorite paint and add some pretty hardware, then place a few of your favorite potted plants in the drawer for an enchanting touch of green.

Alternative gardening method: Build yourself an “Insta-shelf”

By creating some suction-cup window shelves, you can make the most of every possible inch of window space for your plants. Choose a prime location for seedlings and full-grown plants that can bask in the best sunlight your place has to offer.

This setup is especially great for an easy-access kitchen herb garden. Or maybe even in the living room if you plant some full-sun greenery.

Alternative gardening method: Repurpose an old coffee decanter

You can brew up a little extra charm with a simple yet stunning terrarium option. All you need for a no-frills display is an old coffee carafe, a couple of mini air plants, and some white sand.

But we recommend enhancing the design with all-natural extras like river rock and moss. Overall, some low-maintenance greenery and seasonal coziness make this a stunning accent for any space in your home.

Alternative Gardening Method
Photo by cherryyblossom at Shutterstock

Pro Tip: No matter what space you use, if it’s outdoors, ensure it’s pollinator-friendly

Whether you place pots on a balcony, plant in containers, use window boxes or any other form of potting, you’ll want to ensure you include pollinator-friendly plants in your oasis.

You might not have known this, but plants that attract bees and other pollinators aren’t just limited to flowers. They can also be vegetables or herbs.

These plants can provide food and habitat to seasonal pollinators, encourage increased pollination toward other plants, and continue to be an excellent investment as they grow back each year. This will ensure that all your plants thrive, regardless of their type.

Don’t forget to let us know what you think abut these alternative gardening methods. And please feel free to share your own experiences with our readers.

In the meantime, if you liked this article, we highly recommend you also read: 6 Beginner-Friendly Vegetables to Kickstart Your Perfect Garden


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