Heartleaf Philodendron
The heartleaf philodendron, or Philodendron scandens, has been known to improve indoor air quality, which makes it the ideal plant for allergy sufferers.
Its gorgeous foliage has the power to scrub huge amounts of harmful gases out of the air, during the photosynthesis process. And on top of all that, it’s super easy to grow this plant!
It’s a great choice for placing it around your furniture, as the Heartleaf Philodendron is especially good at fighting sources such as particleboard.
Once you get one, make sure you keep it in bright, diffuse light. This plant loves high humidity, but it can also tolerate low levels of humidity.
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Thank you for information on plants I might be able to try and grow in my house. It’s always a challange to find plants because my house faces North and South so most all of my windows also face that way and we don’t get a lot of direct sunlight. Plus I have trees al around my house , which is beneficial in some ways but not so much in others.