Peace Lily
The Peace Lily is a very low-maintenance and easy-growing plant. Its scientific name is Spathiphyllum, so if you find this plant in the store under this name, don’t worry, it’s the same!
The Peace Lily is one of the best indoor plants when it comes to air purification, as it breaks down and neutralizes toxic gases that are common indoors, like benzene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.
Peace lilies are also highly effective when it comes to removing mold spores from the air. If you’re highly sensitive to pollen, but you love flowers, for example, then this plant is the best choice you’ve got!
Its pollen is different from the others, as it’s way stickier and heavier than any other flower, which makes it less likely to remain in the air and cause irritation.
One needs to look right above the comment section to the numbered boxes and click on those!
Thank you for information on plants I might be able to try and grow in my house. It’s always a challange to find plants because my house faces North and South so most all of my windows also face that way and we don’t get a lot of direct sunlight. Plus I have trees al around my house , which is beneficial in some ways but not so much in others.