10 Stunning Outdoor Plants That Also Offer Privacy

Outdoor Plant
Photo by Joanne Dale at Shutterstock

Emerald Green Arborvitae

The Emerald Green Arborvitae, usually known as the Thuja occidentalis, is a smaller version of the Thuja green giants we talked about.

These beautiful evergreen privacy trees only grow to about eight to twelve feet, so they’re a good choice as an outdoor plant if you want to fill a tighter type of space, but you don’t need as much of the height that some of the other plants on this list do.

These trees will provide you with a private outdoor space without the hard work of regular clipping and trimming or any other work that comes with gardening.

Just plant them about three feet apart to have a coordinated, beautiful, and captivating backyard hedge to keep prying eyes away!

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  • Cyndy Belt

    Can you tell me what outdoor plant would give us privacy?
    We live in Casa Grande Arizona. We are in between Phoenix and Tuson.

    Thank you.!!!!

  • Donna

    How much does the jack frost privet run. I am in BROOKSVILLE Florida. Would that be good here.

  • Nancy Loveland

    As a lifetime gardener with an acre of gardens, I still do have one neighbor who is nasty. He’s upwind, and sends me weed seeds from his riverbank he rarely tends to. Screens would be nice to keep out the seeds, if they could.
    You do not list zones. You do not always list normal heights. You do not always list sun/pt shade/shade. That pic of ‘jack frost privet’ shows not white margins. Bamboo is not invasive? HA!! Seen it before, especially in warmer zones. I realize you had only so much room, but straightforward listing of the important stuff is so much more helpful than amusing literature.


    • Ccr

      Privet is dangerous to horses. Bamboo is extremely invasive. What about fig trees or magnolias?

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