8 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Is the Air You Breathe Indoors Harmful? Discover How to Improve Indoor Air Quality Today!

We spend the biggest amount of time in our homes, and while thinking these are our safe havens, the air we breathe inside is often more polluted than the air outside. Unfortunately, the concerns about indoor air quality and pollution are growing and their impact on our health is also becoming increasingly evident.

Studies have shown that indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Isn’t that crazy? Are you wondering how is that even possible? Well, it’s all about the accumulation of dust, chemicals, allergens, and other chemicals that are harmful to our bodies.

Considering the time we spend at home, and the increasing popularity of remote working, we should pay attention to our indoor environment. It’s more important than ever to make some changes and make the best out of our living space.

Long-term exposure to poor indoor air quality can have a range of negative effects, including serious conditions such as asthma. So, given the potential risks, you should take proactive steps and reduce air pollution in your house before it’s too late. I am here to help you with some of the easiest and most effective strategies anyone can implement. Are you ready to transform your home? Let’s make it healthier and more comfortable!

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8 Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

1. Use air purifiers

I don’t think there’s someone who hasn’t heard of this method yet. It’s, by far, one of the most effective ways to improve indoor air quality. It has been shown that HEPA filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are extremely effective at trapping particles as small as 0.3 microns. So, if you want to improve your home’s air quality, this is one of the easiest methods. In just a few minutes the air you breathe will be significantly improved.

You should also know that when choosing an air purifier, you need to make sure it suits the size of your room and includes a HEPA filter. If you want to instantly reduce pollution and reduce the risk of developing respiratory issues, place the air purifier in high-traffic areas, such as bedrooms and living rooms.

One of the best air purifiers can be found on Amazon. It has amazing reviews, and the rue-HEPA filter captures 99. 97% of airborne pollutants; dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens.

2. Opt for natural cleaning products

Even though we tend to overlook the tags, most of the conventional cleaning products contain very harmful chemicals that can pollute indoor air. These release volatile organic compounds and can cause some serious health issues. The best way to improve your home system and also your health would be to switch to natural or eco-friendly cleaning products. This way, you will reduce exposure to harmful chemicals, and also save some cash.

Have you ever thought about creating your own cleaning products? All you need is some simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Trust me, the solution obtained will not only be healthier but also more effective.

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3. Introduce plants

Houseplants are extremely important in improving indoor air quality because they can absorb toxins and produce oxygen. Peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants are some of the most popular when it comes to air-purifying properties. They can remove harmful chemicals from the air and improve the overall quality of it.

Keep in mind that even though plants can be an incredibly effective tool against pollution, they are not a substitute for other measures. So, take a look at the other methods found on this list and use the combination that suits your home and lifestyle best.

4. Maintain the right humidity levels

High humidity levels can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, triggering allergic reactions and respiratory issues. As an asthmatic patient, I can say that humidity is my biggest enemy and the one that bothers me the most. I always try to maintain the right levels, somewhere between 30 and 50 percent and I use a dehumidifier. It’s extremely useful, especially in areas such as the basement, the bathroom, and even in the kitchen. These are the places in my house that are usually prone to damp conditions.

Another thing you should do is regularly clean all the areas that are prone to developing mold. Keeping your indoor air cleaner will help you feel better.

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5. Avoid smoking

Smoking indoors is one of the worst causes of indoor air pollution. The smoke represents a huge health risk for everyone in the household. So, if you are a smoker, you should always avoid smoking at home. Opt for well-ventilated areas.

Since I banned smoking in my home I have noticed huge differences in the way I feel. I significantly reduced indoor air pollution and I ensured safety for all the family members, especially for my grandkids and pets. Did you know that the smoke is the most harmful for them? Thinking about how bad I felt that I basically contributed to harming their health, made it easier for me to establish new rules in my house.

6. Regular cleaning

Cleaning your home is not only a great way to purify the air, but it also makes you feel better. Dust is extremely annoying and it contains a variety of particles, including dirt, pet dander, and even mold spores. So, if you establish a regular cleaning schedule, you will be able to significantly reduce the amount of dust in your home and improve air quality.

I would recommend you to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, this way, you’ll be able to capture even the finest dust particles. Also, for wiping surfaces, make sure to use microfiber cloths. They are the most effective when it comes to trapping dust.

Last but not least, dust mites which thrive in warm and humid conditions can be removed by washing bedding, curtains, and other fabrics in your home.

7. Minimize carpeting

I know, I know, I also used to love carpets and it was really hard for me to get rid of them. However, they represent a great source of dust and pollution, even with regular cleanings. So, in my case, it was best to get rid of most of them. If you are courageous enough, you can also opt for this strategy. Instead, you can choose hard-surface flooring

8. Improve ventilation

Indoor air pollution can be reduced with proper ventilation. The easiest way to improve ventilation is to open windows regularly. This way, fresh air will circulate in the areas where mold and mildew might grow. Even a few minutes more times a day is enough.

Also, if possible, you should consider installing a mechanical ventilation system, and trust me, you won’t regret it. It will bring in fresh air from the outside and remove the stale air from your home.

Before leaving, let me know if you already tried any of these methods. Which one worked the best for your home? Feel free to share your experience with others. This way, we’re one step closer to creating a fun community and health each other discover the best hacks.

So, what are you waiting for? Leave a comment down below and let’s become best friends.

Are you interested in learning more home-related tips and tricks? You should read this article next: 8 Storage Ideas to Maximize ANY Small Space


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