Modern Bedroom: 6 Rules for a Cohesive and Minimalist Space

Have you always wanted a more modern bedroom but do not know how?

There is more to a modern bedroom than just the aesthetic of it all.

While there are a lot of people and publications that will tell you that you need to declutter and live in a more minimalist way because they are opposed to having a lot of possessions, we are not here to do the same!

We are here to tell you why you should choose a more minimalist and modern bedroom design so that you can sleep better!

You read that right. If your room is going to be organized, less cluttered, and calm, you are going to be creating the best and most peaceful sleeping space you could ever imagine!

There are people who can sleep whenever and wherever; however, the majority is not going to fall into that category.

And while you may not feel how the environment around you impacts you, there are a lot of benefits to a modern bedroom that are only achievable if you go the minimalist way.

Whether or not you want to improve your sleep or you want to bring your bedroom closer to this popular bedroom style, we have brought you some easy ways in which you can achieve this without too much hassle and with little drawbacks!

Are you ready to achieve the modern bedroom of your dreams? Keep on reading for the best tips!

P.S. They are easier to clean too, so it’s a win-win!

modern bedroom
Image By Ground Picture From Shutterstock

Ensure there’s enough natural light.

While having the sun hit your room all day may lead to some overheating issues for those of us who do not do well in hot environments, we should not lump together access to natural light with the heat of east-facing windows.

Having an abundance of natural light is going to be able to transform your bedroom without you having to do much to it in the first place.

Natural light will be about a feeling of freshness, cleanliness, and brightness that will instantly be about the air of a modern bedroom, along with the peace and calm that come along with warm spaces.

Likewise, in addition to making sure your bedroom gets as much natural light as it can, you should also opt for sheer linen curtains.

They will end up giving you enough privacy during the flight while still letting the natural light in without needing to rely on blinds or heavy curtains.

Subtle statement pieces.

Having a somewhat minimalist and modern bedroom does not mean that you should leave behind any pieces or memories you want to display.

However, it means that you should be intentional with your picks and that you should go for statement pieces rather than a lot of tiny ones that would overwhelm the space.

Any decorations you will bring into your bedroom need to be able to fit in with the vibe and aesthetic you chose and add to the space; having items in it just because is not going to cut it at this point.

You can keep the bold, statement pieces you like, but you should not have too many of them. Keep everything simple and go for one or two statement pieces in your bedroom. You can also think outside the box.

They can have decorations and even artwork, or you can go and choose a bold bedhead that will make a statement and blend in with your room.

Just remember the golden rule of minimalism: less is always more!

modern bedroom
Image By Miracle-15 From Shutterstock

Block colors work best.

People do not think much about their bedding, and when it comes to having a peaceful and calm yet still modern bedroom, you should start thinking about these types of details as well.

It would help if you opted for block colors that are cohesive and will not cause you too many issues when it comes to changing them.

Likewise, if you choose solid colors that are not extremely vibrant or without a pattern, you will see that the vibe of the room will also change.

The best choices for block-color bedding that we found are made from neutral, pastel, or white linen. Using these tools, you can easily create the relaxed yet crisp look that characterizes modern bedrooms.

Likewise, they will be easier to mix and match since they are all made from the same type of material and in the same family color.

For an effortlessly stylish and lived-in look, do not iron your bedding and see how cozy and relaxed your sleeping space becomes.

If you are ready to give the linen sheets a try a try but do not want to drop hundreds of dollars on one, make sure you check out this set from Amazon!

Curate special pieces

The point of minimalism is not to make you get rid of all the items you hold dear or reduce the number of trinkets you own. But rather, it is about being selective with what you put out on display.

This does not mean you should stop displaying your favorite pieces, but rather that you should curate your things and display only a few in your bedroom.

Choose the simple items and those that would integrate seamlessly into your design without adding too much clutter in the room.

The idea behind a modern bedroom is for it to be able to showcase your personality and likes while also remaining aired and open!

modern bedroom
Image By ePromoters From Shutterstock

Trust in plants

One of the makings of a modern bedroom that many end up ignoring is the fact that live house plants can transform a room like no other.

Not only do plants brig in an element of light and brightness with their vibrant colors, but you will also end up adding a fresh look to the bedroom too.

Since muted and natural colors are the best ones for bedrooms, breaking up the monotony with some plants is the best way to go about it.

What’s more, plants will bring in some more oxygen, which will enhance your sleeping experience and just bring more life to the bedroom.

Make sure the planter you choose fits in with your room, and if you can use natural fiber, it can bring more texture to the room.

The best plants to choose if you are undecided include the likes of fiddle leaf fig trees, snake plants, cacti, and Strelitzia Nicolai.

Embrace simplicity

Since our goal is a modern and minimalist bedroom, you should strive to embrace and accept simplicity in this space.

If you love vibrant colors and wild patterns, then maybe this is not the best choice of bedroom for you. On the other hand, having a clean, calm space may just be what the doctor ordered so that you can get a good night’s sleep.

So if you have been thinking about making changes and hoping they can improve your sleep, then you should be going for a neutral and monochromatic look and integrating the green from the plants and the block color from the linens.

Give it a try; you may end up loving it.

Many things can be changed to make your bedroom a place to relax and recharge for the day. This is why you should make sure that you do not have a ton of unnecessary items lying around in there. To see what you should remove, check out what designers deem not to have a spot in there!


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