Declutter Your Garage: 10 Annoying Items Taking Up Too Much Space

If you want to declutter your garage, do it the smart way!

A garage is one of the best features a home can have. Not only does it give you a guaranteed parking spot, but it also keeps your vehicle protected from the elements. One of my favorite things about having a garage is the extra space it provides, which you can use however you like. Whether you’re looking to create a home gym, an arts and crafts corner, or simply need more storage, this space is perfect.

Unfortunately, the garage can easily become a dumping ground for things you can’t store elsewhere. It’s easy for clutter to pile up, but it’ll drive you crazy after a while. If you’re ready to reclaim your parking spot and get organized, it’s time to declutter your garage.

Some of the items taking up valuable space may not even be in use anymore. So, are you ready to take on the challenge? Let’s dive in!

garage items, throw away, declutter your garage
Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

1. Unused furniture

As you upgrade your beautiful home with new furniture, the old pieces that no longer make you pleased sometimes end up in the garage. Instead of forgetting about your unused chair or dresser, you can give them a little spruce and either donate them or list them for sale online. You can use platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, or Craigslist to make some cash.

2. Fitness or old sports equipment

I noticed that old fitness equipment and sports gear are among the most common culprits of garage clutter, but no more of that. Whether you have them from your kids’ past activities or a short-lived health kick, it’s time to part ways with them, especially if they’re only collecting dust.

Whether it’s dumbbells, balls, old bats, rackets, or bikes, if they’re not part of your routine, you’d better donate or sell them for extra money. You’ll be surprised by how much space you’ll have after this task!

3. Broken holiday decorations

If you want to declutter your garage the smart way, you must get rid of any broken holiday decorations. I’m guilty of this too. I tend to hoard things sometimes, convincing myself that I could repurpose pretty but broken items. But guess what? I never actually do.

Since the garage is a handy spot to store all your beautiful holiday decorations, there’s no need to hold on to any items that don’t serve their purpose. Of course, if they’re in good working condition but you don’t enjoy them anymore, donating them is the best thing you could do to save up some space.

On the other hand, if they’re no longer functional or fixable, take them to your local recycling center to dispose of them properly.

4. Leftover building materials

While keeping extra project materials for potential repairs can be practical, holding onto them for years often isn’t. That space could be used for something more useful in your daily life.

Check whether those materials are still usable or simply gathering dust. If you haven’t needed them in years, chances are you never will. Declutter your garage by donating, repurposing creatively, or letting them go. Free up your space for things that truly matter!

tools, tool kit, declutter your garage
Image By andrisbarbans From Envato Elements

5. Worn-out tools

Another essential step in decluttering your garage is letting go of any worn-out tools you have lying around. Whether it’s a rusted shovel or a leaky garden hose, check if they can be repaired or toss them.

Here’s a good rule of thumb for the experts: if you’ve already got a new tool to replace the old one, get rid of anything that doesn’t serve any purpose. In case some tools still work, you can donate them to a local charity or a school. You know what they say—somebody’s trash is another one’s treasure.

…If you want to declutter your garage the smart way and organize it properly, check out these storage bins and containers!

6. Old kids’ toys

As much as you like your kids or grandchildren to feel good and have everything they need in your household, the toys they have left behind can take up important room in your garage. Sort through their toy collection, put all the items you wish to retain in convenient bins and ask them if they’re willing to play with them or not.

After that, consider donating the toys to charities or nonprofits, or selling them online or at a yard sale. Your garage will look so much better!

7. Broken appliances

It’s easy to toss broken appliances into the garage to fix them when you have time or money, but let’s face it—most of the time, they end up sitting there untouched for months and even years.

If you want to declutter your garage fast, the key is to check if they’re worth repairing or not and see how much that will cost. In some cases, it might be cheaper to get a new one rather than fixing an old gadget. If they’re beyond repair, recycle or dispose of them to free up your garage. You’ll have more space for the things you actually need!

8. Cardboard boxes

Other items you should quickly get rid of if you want to declutter your garage fast are your old cardboard boxes. Whether it’s packaging from online orders, boxes filled with old documents, or moving boxes you didn’t have the chance to unpack, they can take up a lot of space.

Put on your favorite music and start by sorting through the boxes to see if there are any important things in there. Don’t forget to also check if something can be recycled, donated, or discarded.

If you want to keep something, you can label it to avoid a potential future mess. As tempting as it might be to hold on to them just in case you’ll need them, do your garage a favor and throw them away.

Organizing tips, declutter, declutter your garage
Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

9. Unworn clothing

Is there someone who doesn’t store unworn clothing and shoes in the garage? Probably not, but they can take up a lot of space, and it’s not pleasant. If you don’t want to step from one box to another, you must declutter your garage ASAP.

Whether it’s items you no longer need, outgrown kids’ clothes, seasonal items you haven’t touched in years, or shoes that no longer fit, a good cleaning session is exactly what you need to give your garage life again.

10. Old books or magazines

Newspapers, old books, and magazines often end up in a hidden corner of your garage to collect dust. Whether they’re from years ago or just things that no longer interest you, holding onto them only adds to clutter.

Declutter your garage by sorting through your collection and only keeping the ones that you cherish or need. Who knows, maybe you have a valuable collection that could be worth a fortune!

What do you think about all these items that only gather dust? Do you have any of these in your space? At the end of the day, decluttering your garage will only make you feel better, and who knows, maybe even free up a parking space.

If you want to read something else from The American House, here’s another article to check out: 12 Bathroom Paint Colors that Are Designer-Approved


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