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9 Best Indoor Plants to Relieve Allergies

Photo by Mid Tran Designer from Shutterstock


Dracaena is one of the most beloved and effective plants when it comes to keeping allergens and gases that provoke your allergies away from you!

In fact, the NASA Clean Air Study actually confirmed that this plant removes benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, BUT ALSO easily absorbs carbon monoxide.

Even more, it is famous for trapping allergens in its leaves. Dracaena reflexa is one of the best choices for those who suffer from allergies because it has a superior ability to clean the air.

There are many cultivars available on the market, including some variegated types with adorable cream and yellow margins. Song of India (a variegated type) is a beautiful and low-maintenance houseplant.

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  • Janet,
    One needs to look right above the comment section to the numbered boxes and click on those!

  • Thank you for information on plants I might be able to try and grow in my house. It’s always a challange to find plants because my house faces North and South so most all of my windows also face that way and we don’t get a lot of direct sunlight. Plus I have trees al around my house , which is beneficial in some ways but not so much in others.

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