Stop! 9 Things You Should NEVER Keep Under Your Kitchen Sink

Do you know what things you should never keep under your kitchen sink?

The space under your kitchen sink might seem like the perfect storage spot for a bunch of items, but not everything belongs there. While it’s convenient to stash extra sponges, cleaning products, brushes, and even random household essentials in there, certain things can cause more harm than good. From chemical leaks and fire risks to water damage and pest issues, improper storage in that dark little cabinet can sometimes lead to expensive and even dangerous disasters.

My first reaction when I heard this was, “Wait, how?” But then it made perfect sense. The sink area is often hot, humid, and prone to leaks, making it a risky spot for storage. Anything kept there is at risk of contamination, damage, or even becoming a safety hazard.

So, what are the things you should never keep under your kitchen sink? Keep reading to find out! A little organization now can save you trouble later—and I’ve got all the tips you need. Let’s dive in!

sink, never keep under your kitchen sink
Image By New Africa From Shutterstock

1. Cleaning supplies and chemicals

Did you know that most commercial cleaners are created to be stored in climate-controlled environments with proper ventilation? That’s surely not the kind of spot you can find under the kitchen sink.

Not to mention, if your supplies aren’t properly sealed, bottles of harsh chemicals, such as bleach, can leak and cause fumes, which is not healthy for your lungs. If you have all-purpose cleaning supplies you use frequently, especially natural or homemade cleaners (such as these ones), you can safely keep them under the sink.

However, stronger chemicals are part of the things you should never keep under your kitchen sink, so it’s best to stock them elsewhere. I suggest putting them in a cleaning closet or storing them in a basket inside a cabinet or a nook in your bathroom for easy access.

2. Electronics and appliances

We continue this list of things you should never keep under your kitchen sink with electronics and appliances. As tempting as it is to store them out of sight, it’s just not worth the risk.

Just think about it—if a leak occurs, your gadgets could short-circuit and get ruined or, worse, possibly cause a fire. The combination of moisture and electricity is a disaster waiting to happen. So, take whatever electrical items you have under your kitchen sink (or even bathroom sink) out and find a safer spot, like a cabinet or countertop.

cleaning, never keep under your kitchen sink
Image By Africa Studio From Shutterstock

3. Extra dish towels and sponges

I know how convenient it is to have all your extra sponges and dish towels under the sink, but it’s not a suitable place for them, I’m afraid. These items can easily soak up moisture, creating the perfect home for mildew—even if they’re new or clean.

However, if you keep them in a lidded bin, storing them under the kitchen sink is fine. However, for extra caution, I suggest placing them in a drawer instead.

…There are many other items you should never keep under your kitchen sink, so keep reading to find out!

4. Bags and paper towels

Continuing with all the things you should never keep under your kitchen sink, let’s talk about bags and paper towels. Sure, it seems like a handy storage spot, but moisture is the enemy!

Even if there’s no leak, paper towels can absorb humidity and turn damp before you even get to use them. To keep your items fresh and functional, avoid storing anything paper-based in that space. Find a drier, safer spot instead.

5. Household tools

I don’t like having household tools on display—it just makes my home feel cluttered. So, thinking out of sight, out of mind, I assumed storing them under the kitchen sink was a great idea. I was wrong.

If you’ve made the same mistake, here’s the truth: household tools are one of the things you should never keep under your kitchen sink. Moisture can cause them to rust quickly, and that’s not pleasant. Instead, keep them in the garage or basement—it’s a much safer and smarter choice!

lifespan of your chopped flowers, never keep under your kitchen sink
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

6. Glass items

Flower vases you don’t use as often are popular items to slide under the kitchen sink. That way, you can easily grab them when someone surprises you with a gorgeous bouquet. If they’re sturdy and you have plenty of room in the cabinet, you’re fine and don’t need to move anything.

However, if your flower vases are made of glass, you should never keep them under your kitchen sink. Glass items, especially lightbulbs, can tip over and shatter, making them difficult to clean in the tiny, dark space.

7. Flammable substances

Aerosol cans, paint thinner, and everything labeled as flammable in general are items you should never keep under your kitchen sink. This is even more important if you also have a garbage disposal that heats up, as high temperatures can make these items unstable, increasing the risk of fire or even explosions.

Not to mention, leaks or spills can release harmful fumes in an enclosed space. To keep your home and family safe, store flammable items in a cool, well-ventilated area, such as a garage or utility closet, far from any heat sources. You don’t want your home to be a potential fire hazard, do you?

8. Pet food

If your cat or dog’s bowl is typically placed on the kitchen floor, it makes sense to store the oversized food bag in the sink cabinet, doesn’t it? After all, it’s convenient—you can easily grab it and refill the bowl. But I’m afraid it’s a terrible idea.

First of all, if you also store cleaning products under the sink, their fumes can seep into the bag and contaminate your pet’s food. This won’t be healthy for your furry friend. Moreover, constant moisture in the space can create the perfect environment for mold to grow inside the bag.

Last but not least, you don’t want to invite unwanted pests—like mice—looking for a sneaky midnight snack in your pet’s food, do you? To avoid these issues, keep the food sealed in an airtight container and store it in a dry place, away from sunlight.

This way, your pet stays safe, and you avoid any unpleasant surprises!

9. Batteries

Electronic devices that are battery-powered are also among the items you should never keep under your kitchen sink. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating: that cabinet might be out of direct sunlight, but it’s still humid and moist, and if there’s a leak, your gadget’s components could short-circuit.

On top of that, batteries can corrode easily if stored in these inappropriate conditions, which is a problem you definitely want to avoid. To prevent these issues, keep both your batteries and gadgets in a cool, dry place in your home, like a drawer or cabinet. This way, they’ll stay in better condition, and you won’t have to worry about any mishaps.

What are your thoughts on these items you should never keep under your kitchen sink? Have you ever made any of these mistakes? I’m guilty of numbers 1, 2, and 3, but what can I say? It’s best to learn later than not at all, isn’t it? I would love to know what your thoughts are, so leave a comment below, and let’s chat!

If you have any recommendations or requests regarding what you’d like to read from us next, feel free to leave them in the comments. We’ll take care of them sooner than you think! Until next time, here’s another useful post from The American House you won’t want to miss: 8 Things You Should Declutter Before Springtime


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